Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Make Money with Adsense (by Keeping Your Account in Good Standing)

Even though you can make money with Adsense and it is a great way to do so, I have a love/hate relationship with Google Adsense. It's extremely ironic that I found out yesterday my Adsense account has been disabled when I am writing a blog about making money with Adsense. But, you know... I'm here to admit my mistakes along the way with the best of us. I'm not going to get into the reasons why it got disabled because I'm not entirely sure why. It could be a multitude of things.

This sucks! However, I won't let it get me down. I will file an appeal and see how it goes. If that doesn't work, I'll try to use a family member's street address to get a new account. I'll keep you posted on how easy it is to reinstate an Adsense account.

Making Money with Adsense the Right Way

Let me share with you a few tips on how to make money with Adsense so that your Adsense account doesn't get cancelled, too. The point here is to make money with Adsense, not get your account disabled like I did.... LOL

1.) Make sure to cover your tracks very well. Making money with Adsense is no easy task once your strategies become more sophisticated, so be careful! If you have farms directly linked to your Adsense sites, that's bad news. Make sure your farms are linked to 2nd tier sites that, in turn, link to your Adsense sites. Also, make sure to have a healthy mix of low quality links coming from places such as other peoples' blogs (in the form of a comment), forum signatures, Blog catalog, and so on. You don't need too many of these time wasting social-related links, but they do look convincing to Google.

2.) DO NOT let people you know click on ads for you. Let me repeat myself: DO NOT ALLOW PEOPLE YOU KNOW OR ARE ASSOCIATED WITH CLICK ON YOUR ADSENSE ADS! Sharpen up your SEO skills instead. To make money with Adsense, you need SEO skills.

3.) Don't put Adsense up on the blog or site right away. Get the content posted and indexed. Wait a bit and monitor when you start getting some search engine visitors for your target keywords. Then put the Adsesne on it. Don't be in too much of a hurry to make money with Adsense or you won't make any money at all.

how to make money with Adsense, make money with adsense, make money online, making money online, make money with affiliate programs, google sandbox4.) If you notice one of your blogs got placed in the dreaded "Google sandbox" (Grizzly explains the term or you can Google it), take the Adsense off right away. Monitor your blogs carefully (especially at first when you don't really know what you're doing or when the blog is in its early stages) and keep all your information organized in a spreadsheet. If the blog becomes a giant money maker for you (these gold mines do exist) then you need to be extra careful, in my opinion.

5.) Don't start blogs with questionable content (erotic related and so on....) because Google looks down upon those. These types of blogs could potentially get tons of traffic, but it won't do you a bit of good in terms of making money with Adsense if you get sandboxed or flagged... or your Adsense account gets cancelled.

6.) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Make money online other ways besides with Adsense. With the possibility that your Adsense account is constantly at the mercy of Google, you need to make sure you're pulling in funds other ways. Keep in mind, none of the other strategies change: SEO, backlinks, etc. All of that stuff is the same. The only difference is you don't put Adsense on the site - you put an affiliate link or whatever. Try Clickbank affiliate programs, the Amazon affiliate program, the eBay affiliate program (that one is a pain in the.... @** to join), and other affiliate programs or opportunities that you come across. Keep your eyes open for other sources of income. Making money with Adsense is not the only way to make money.

My belief is, the more you know how to make money with Adsense, the more you are under the microscope with the big G. Don't give them a reason to bust you. You can make money with Adsense, but be smart about it.



Anonymous said...

try adbrite

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