Friday, July 17, 2009

How to Make Money with Adsense

how to make money with Adsense, make money with adsense, adsense techniques, adsense tricks, making money with adsense, make money online, making money onlinePractically everyone out there knows about Google's make money with Adsense program. It's free for you to put up on your website or blog... and all that good stuff. But does it work? Can you really learn how to make money with Adsense? Answering that question will be what this Adsense techniques blog is all about. I know there are a lot of Adsense skeptics out there, and rightfully so, given all of the online scams that exist nowadays. You are probably asking yourself right now, who is she to give Adsense advice? And is she making money with Adsense? I'll answer that question for you too. Keep reading.

What do I know about making money with Adsense?

I learned from the best - Grizzly, at his make money online blog. If you haven't read this blog, you need to, in order to understand why it is possible and absolutely legit to make money with Adsense. Griz explains it all from top to bottom without leaving any detail untold. You just need some patience to read through all the make money online blog posts and to navigate around to make sure you read everything since it is structured for making money with Adsense and not for its aesthetic beauty. Oh- and all the info on his blog is free!

A Side Note about SEO and other terms: I will use jargon and terms on here that may not be familiar to non-Grizzly readers. That's why you need to familiarize yourself with his teachings before joining me here at this make money online with Adsense blog. From here on out I will talk as though you have a tight grasp on the terminology used for SEO and by Griz. OK so... moving on.....

Am I making money with Adsense?

Yes, but not as much as I'd like to. I'll be honest. Thus far, I have made about $100 in about 6 months of working on it off and on. Sometimes life gets in the way of making money online as I'm sure most of you know already. I have a 6 year old and he keeps me very busy. :)

About this "make money with Adsense" blog

My goal is to help you create a full time income with Adsense; I do plan to keep you updated on my Adsense income. ;) That's part of the reason I created this make money online blog. The other reason is that I want to supplement some of the things Grizzly teaches with my own commentary, just in case it's helpful to someone. Knowing how to make money with Adsense can be difficult for beginners, and I hope to offer up the Adsense and SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge I do have.

Why do I want to help you make money with Adsense? Isn't that competition for me?

No, not really. I want to help you because, in the longrun, it helps me as well. There are literally millions of niche topics we can make blogs on and we can all gain healthily from sending one-way properly anchored backlinks amongst ourselves. It's a win-win situation here and I will never sell you useless crap. I sell all the useless crap on my other niche blogs. No need for that here at this make money with Adsense blog. This is an informative blog only.

One last thing...

This Adsense information blog will most likely branch out into other make money online blogs as I think of appropriate topics and keyword relationships. I know this particular blog will not rank for the term "how to make money with Adsense" or for "make money with Adsense" or even "make money online" for a long, long time unless someone in a position to help me...well...helps me. I'm not expecting that, so honestly, my initial plan for this make money with Adsense blog is to create a link source for my other MMO related blogs. If it goes farther than that purpose, then great. If not, oh well. At the very least, maybe some of you will learn how to make money with Adsense by reading my posts. See you next time...



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