Monday, October 26, 2009

How Much Money Can You Make With Adsense?

how much money can you make with adsense, how to make money with Adsense, make money with adsenseThe Million Dollar Question:

How much money can you make with Adsense?
Well... That's a good question. It's an honest question. It's the question we all have - and is the whole reason we make these Adsense blogs that are usually very lame and boring. I'm still not sure if it's more boring to read or create properly set-up Adsense niche blogs.

I realize that I’ve not been updating this how to make money with Adsense blog. I’ve been quite busy actually making money with Adsense that I haven’t gotten around to keeping this thing updated. But I figured today is a good day for some Adsense news.

Just a few short months ago, I was only making $100 or so from Adsense. Most of my online income was coming from Amazon and eBay referrals, and beauty niche-related ebooks that I was selling (well, ok, I'm still selling them and they're still doing well!) Chitika was pulling in a few dollars each month, too. I was making a good $4000 from all of these things combined. I was living part time in Brazil and part time in Colorado, so it was enough. If I had stayed in Brazil the entire year it would have been a nice living there! For me, it was a "full time" income, but it was about to get a lot better for me.

For 2 years, I thought I was going nowhere fast as I explained on my make money at home blog. I had been building literally hundreds and hundreds of niche blogs from anything like fitness-related topics to sports car modification and everything in between. At first, I was choosing niches out of my league, but eventually I caught on. I probably wasted a year with niches that were too difficult for me and ended up with a bunch of good farms and 2nd tiers rather than well ranking Adsense blogs. At least I got something out of it.

The next niches I chose seemed to be easy enough - they weren't too competitive and I thought I was optimizing them as per Grizzly's advice. I got them lots of backlinks with proper anchor text... I wrote some long-winded posts on the topics such as "how to make money with adsense" that were a bit more competitive. I was going through all the motions consistently nearly everyday. If I got tired of trying to make money with Adsense, I'd take a break for a day or 2, but after that I'd be back at it again plugging away with original content, new backlinks, and keyword research. Honestly, I was starting to get disappointed with all the time I was investing in trying to make money online with Adsense and wasn't getting much at all in return.

Apparently, patience really is a virtue because I was about to get a surprise - a pleasant surprise from Adsense.

Back to the topic of how much money can you make with Adsense...

Before I released my "Nomad's Guide to Make Money Online" e-book, within a period of 3 months, my Adsense income (not including the other monetization sources) increased to about $8000. A bunch of my blogs (especially the related ones and the ones that were about 4-5 months old since being indexed) started ranking on page 1 of Google and as a result, people started clicking on the Adsense ads. Maybe these niche blogs reached some threshold with Google or maybe a bunch of other peoples' sites got sandboxed... I have no idea what it was. All I know is that I was indeed doing it right and my patience and ability to engage in the daily blog building grind for 2 years has paid off.

I have a couple theories as to how my Adsense revenue increased so quickly.

1.) I had consistently been combing through my Adsense blogs and fluffing them up with a bit more content - especially if their keyword phrases were related to competitive keywords. Google seems to be favoring more (not necessarily better, mind you!) content. The content needs to be decent and convincing, but you don't need to be a good writer to make niche blogs. Like backlinks, Google seems to favor a higher quantity of content. For the long term, this is what you need to be doing.
I have one of those very portable 8.9" laptops and I basically carry it everywhere with me. When I had a moment of free time and happened to be thinking about a particular niche, I would open up the word processor and write a quick post for whatever the topic and keywords were. Then later, I'd post it on the blog. If I didn't have my computer with me, I'd sometimes write down notes on a piece of paper.

2.) I learned the art of getting very scattered backlinks from all sorts of different sources. I was writing articles like crazy and submitting them to article submission sites, I was writing posts and submitting them to Linkvana, I was making massive amounts of farms on different platforms and placing one backlink per post, I was finding some good ".edu" backlinks (I might make a post about this strategy in the near future if I feel the urge), and I was using the PR leverage that some of my older 3rd tier blogs (Adsense and non-Adsense) had by placing backlinks on those... I was posting YouTube videos with the link on the side... For those of you who are familiar with the "Bike Shed" as mentioned by Grizzly, I was utilizing a resource in there...

Edit to add: I recently made a make money at home with backlinks post on my Make Money at Home blog and it includes ".edu" backlinks and a couple other unconventional ideas.

The snowball got big enough eventually and you know the rest! Like I have been saying, this is hard work and it takes time, but it only works if you stick with it! This is how to make money with Adsense! It may be simple and replicable, but it's not easy. The answer to the question: how much money can you make with adsense depends on how much work and persistence you put into it.

By the way, that's my son Alex in the picture. I was getting tired of putting "Adsense" pictures up, haha! We visited Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison, Colorado last weekend and he was doing a bit of rock climbing! :)



Diapers for Adult said...

Thanks for the great tips, i just finished reading your nomads guide to making money. Learned a few new tricks and it was well worth the download. People that share their success with adsense and making money for real without bogus content or selling things are few and far between.

all the best,

ps, a follow up post on .edu links would be great.

Linda said...

Janet: Thank you for the eBook. It gives great information and I plan to succeed. Probably not as quick as I need to but nevertheless...I shall! I am excited and hopeful that this blog post is successful.

Regards, Linda

Linda said...

Let me rephrase:

Mr. Urban Survival Techniques said...

I've read Griz, KWA, BenK. You did a great job putting it all together. I have spend months and months unproductively trying to nurse a bunch of blogs to health. I see I now have to bite the bullet and make new ones with better KW, and use the old ones as Tier 2's.
Making some extra money goes far in enabling one to utilize what they learn about urban survival techniques.

About Life said...

In your making money with AdSense as a nomad e-book, I really liked the table of resources at the ends of chapters. That really makes about life easier.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Janet", where are you? Retired? Brazil?
Or did Google give you a bitch slap?
Anyone else here?

Andrew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

Hi Janet. Your eBook is a great starting point. I have a question to ask. Why do you have to do 1st and 2nd tiers? Why can't you just go for monetization blogs?

I was wondering if you can check out my blog. I know it's lame, but as far as fonts, AdSense location, colors, etc...

Maybe you can give me some pointers. Also, if any of you fellows posters who see this want to comment on myblog , that would be great.


Andrew said...

There you go. I did the hypertext right. It only took me three trys. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey, all the "names" links in the comments are now "nofollow".

Anonymous said...

It appears it is not possible to allow the comments links to be "follow" in Google Blogs
"Nofollow" is forced by Google.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if you have Firefox and SEO for Firefox plugin, you can see that the links are "nofollow". Google is getting to be a pain in the spjincter.
/s/ JanFan

Anonymous said...

If you are using AdSense, unless you have managed a way to get separate AdSense accounts (separate bank accounts and postal addresses), there is no use IMNSHO to get separate email addresses and blogger accounts for each 3rd tier blog on Blogger, since they can track you through the AdSense.

So what are good alternatives to Blogger for free blogs?

What are good alternatives to AdSense? Does Chitika actually get you any clicks and $? Anything else? (I'm not talking affiliates here, but other PPC only.)


Anonymous said...

We still need to keep 1st and 2nd tiers "identities" separate from the 3rd tier $ sites.

But Google is getting nasty. I tried to open a new blogger account with a "" (Hotmail) email address and they declined, at least for the time being, until I supplied a cell phone number they could contact. I'm sure not going to get a separate phone for each account.

Have any of you run into that? And if so, how did you get around it?


Anonymous said...

Don't let Google archive/cache your pages??
I have put the following in the [head] section of all my pages. (Doing it all at once in the header.)

[meta name="robots" content="noarchive" /]
[meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive" /]

(Note in the above example, "[" and "]" replace the usual angle brackets so Google will publish this comment.)

My reasoning is as follows:
Since Google often puts you at the bottom (result number 23,344,345 of 23,344,346) of the search results, no matter how "spot on" your content is for a kw, for "transgressions", inadvertent or deliberate, you have no choice but to pull it and make a new site/blog.
Yeah you will lose the links to the site/blog but they were doing you no good anyway.
But the CONTENT would be still good. So you want to put that on the new site/blog. And you don't want Google to have page info about the content on the old site to compare to your new one, and/or possibly put as a "cached" result to searchers.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Here are some comments I put on a Griz post page.
Comment on Griz

Comment I made

Google -- "do no evil", my asp. They are getting pissssy.

1) All the links here in the comments are "nofollow" and it's not Griz' fault. Google makes it so.

2) And, now we can forget about blug furms with free Google blugs because of what Sydney said in his Dec 04 comment about requiring cell phone numbers and limiting number of blogs per number, and requiring gmail accounts only to get blugs.

Another comment I made

Regarding Sydney's comment of Dec 04 and mine of Jan 19, about SMS verification, and related
that looks like Google is addressing what it regards as the "blug furm" problem. And it would not surprise me to see that they next automate a procedure to retroactively contact and require all present Blogger blogs to verify by that means, or get pulled. A lot of PR4, PR5, whatever, sites/blogs will then become PR- or PR0.

Sydney said...

Gosh, I'm so glad someone answered my warning about the G Verification maneuver!! Thanks, Anon.

And you are right, they are retroactively asking other G users to enter in a secondary email and a phone number with which the user can be contacted with. However, it isn't being enforced, as I can click on cancel, or ignore (for the time being).

I don't know if they will get pulled just for us not giving them what they want, but I do think it's time to seek out other free blugs with which to put monetization on.

My only question is...with the existing G accts, I do recall Grizz saying that as long as we created completely separate niches on each blugger acct we would be okay...meaning we could create just a handful with each G acct...

Would we still get the G B!tch slap as long as we maintained the separateness of the niches per blug per G acct?

The hard part is finding free blug acct that won't have any hidden embedded code that would be counterproductive to our [S][E][O] ways.

Anonymous said...

This is anonymous and JanFan of 1/13 - 1/19.

I got booted from Court's [K][W][A] early in the year for being "too negative" about [S][E][O] and Go Ogle. So I concentrated on some other things for awhile, but kept up following this stuff in the meantime. I recently thought I would give it another go with new stuff I learned from BenK and "Janet" about the blagformas and I thought I had a handle on it. I was going to start my blag form for some good-appearing nitches, and then I ran into G's latest with the cell phone requirement (essentially an ID requirement). If, as I suspected, and Sydney confirmed, they start requiring ID and limiting the number of blags and/or can easily track how they are related through the ID, and do G-slaps, even yank blags, BLAG FORMS ARE DEAD.

Good news and bad news. Good news, a lot of competitors with PR/4 and PR/5 are going to be wiped out. So we might now be able to rank well with PR/1 an PR/2 if we haven't done the blag form thing.

Bad news, we are going to have to go to a lot more expense and time/hassle to get our own URLs and put them on different hosts, and keep track of all that.

And we are going to have to do SOMETHING, I don't know what, to get IN--TEXT links. I also suspect that lynk director/ies, even one-way and threeeway, are DEAD.

I have one site that participates in one of those, and that is my major [S][E][O] for it other than "on-page" stuff. With lynx from that and the kws targeted, I should RULE pg. 1 of [SE][RP] for those kws. But nowhere to be found. So either those lynks do not good and/or I got bitch-slapped.

Janet said...

Anon -

I'm still here! I'm active everyday in the background, just not with content. ;)

I'm in Santa Barbara at the moment, but I'm not retired. I'll probably never be "retired" because then I'd get bored. But yes, I'm still a digital nomad! I always will be! :D :D :D

Janet said...

Wow... lots of comments here... I'll have to take a look after I get some food! I'll be back shortly!

Janet said...


Yes, a lot of what you're saying is true. Google is beginning to make this very difficult for us and we're going to have to be creative from now on. Authority sites, in-text links, and good old natural backlinks are going to be the way of the future.

Even I have had to alter my ways and move toward this strategy in my other niches (and in MMO soon as well) so that I don't risk getting slapped. I want to be able to survive if all my Ad$ blogs get deindexed. This hasn't happened yet as most of my niches have little or no competition, but one never knows...

Janet said...

Personally, I don't particularly mind all these restrictions by Google because it will get rid of a lot of my competitors and separates the real IMers from the posers.

About the no-follow tag for comments on Blogger (and most other places for that matter): Yes, it's absolutely true. If you install the NoDoFollow Firefox plug-in then you will know which comments are worth the hassle. As far as I know, the links you get yourself on article directories are do-follow and of course the blogroll and in-text links you can manage to get from competitors and related blogs are too.

I know all this is hard and that's why I am in process of creating a backlink resource at this very moment. It will be a monthly subscription service because it will be taking up some of my time (and I'm sure if you've read my book you know how much I value my time), but at least I'll be able to help a select number of people.

Anonymous said...

Now, is it safe to say that we should just stop with all the 1st tiers then? I would think 2nd tiers are still fine b/c they are related to each other...except if G is looking at ips in this new algorithm

Janet said...

Anon -

Yes, unfortunately the 1st tiers are a strategy that no longer work. I will be updating this information when I release the 2nd edition of the ebook later this year. For those of you who already bought a copy of the 1st edition, just email me with either your Plimus or Lulu order # and I will send you a free copy of the updated 2nd edition.

2nd tiers should be fine because they aren't too horribly spammy-looking. However, it's best if you spread out the IPs that you create the 2nd tiers on (don't create them all on Blogger, for example). The best thing to do is to get all the backlinks you can from all the places you can. Natural links (or what appears to be natural) is what Google is most concerned with.

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