Monday, October 26, 2009

How Much Money Can You Make With Adsense?

how much money can you make with adsense, how to make money with Adsense, make money with adsenseThe Million Dollar Question:

How much money can you make with Adsense?
Well... That's a good question. It's an honest question. It's the question we all have - and is the whole reason we make these Adsense blogs that are usually very lame and boring. I'm still not sure if it's more boring to read or create properly set-up Adsense niche blogs.

I realize that I’ve not been updating this how to make money with Adsense blog. I’ve been quite busy actually making money with Adsense that I haven’t gotten around to keeping this thing updated. But I figured today is a good day for some Adsense news.

Just a few short months ago, I was only making $100 or so from Adsense. Most of my online income was coming from Amazon and eBay referrals, and beauty niche-related ebooks that I was selling (well, ok, I'm still selling them and they're still doing well!) Chitika was pulling in a few dollars each month, too. I was making a good $4000 from all of these things combined. I was living part time in Brazil and part time in Colorado, so it was enough. If I had stayed in Brazil the entire year it would have been a nice living there! For me, it was a "full time" income, but it was about to get a lot better for me.

For 2 years, I thought I was going nowhere fast as I explained on my make money at home blog. I had been building literally hundreds and hundreds of niche blogs from anything like fitness-related topics to sports car modification and everything in between. At first, I was choosing niches out of my league, but eventually I caught on. I probably wasted a year with niches that were too difficult for me and ended up with a bunch of good farms and 2nd tiers rather than well ranking Adsense blogs. At least I got something out of it.

The next niches I chose seemed to be easy enough - they weren't too competitive and I thought I was optimizing them as per Grizzly's advice. I got them lots of backlinks with proper anchor text... I wrote some long-winded posts on the topics such as "how to make money with adsense" that were a bit more competitive. I was going through all the motions consistently nearly everyday. If I got tired of trying to make money with Adsense, I'd take a break for a day or 2, but after that I'd be back at it again plugging away with original content, new backlinks, and keyword research. Honestly, I was starting to get disappointed with all the time I was investing in trying to make money online with Adsense and wasn't getting much at all in return.

Apparently, patience really is a virtue because I was about to get a surprise - a pleasant surprise from Adsense.

Back to the topic of how much money can you make with Adsense...

Before I released my "Nomad's Guide to Make Money Online" e-book, within a period of 3 months, my Adsense income (not including the other monetization sources) increased to about $8000. A bunch of my blogs (especially the related ones and the ones that were about 4-5 months old since being indexed) started ranking on page 1 of Google and as a result, people started clicking on the Adsense ads. Maybe these niche blogs reached some threshold with Google or maybe a bunch of other peoples' sites got sandboxed... I have no idea what it was. All I know is that I was indeed doing it right and my patience and ability to engage in the daily blog building grind for 2 years has paid off.

I have a couple theories as to how my Adsense revenue increased so quickly.

1.) I had consistently been combing through my Adsense blogs and fluffing them up with a bit more content - especially if their keyword phrases were related to competitive keywords. Google seems to be favoring more (not necessarily better, mind you!) content. The content needs to be decent and convincing, but you don't need to be a good writer to make niche blogs. Like backlinks, Google seems to favor a higher quantity of content. For the long term, this is what you need to be doing.
I have one of those very portable 8.9" laptops and I basically carry it everywhere with me. When I had a moment of free time and happened to be thinking about a particular niche, I would open up the word processor and write a quick post for whatever the topic and keywords were. Then later, I'd post it on the blog. If I didn't have my computer with me, I'd sometimes write down notes on a piece of paper.

2.) I learned the art of getting very scattered backlinks from all sorts of different sources. I was writing articles like crazy and submitting them to article submission sites, I was writing posts and submitting them to Linkvana, I was making massive amounts of farms on different platforms and placing one backlink per post, I was finding some good ".edu" backlinks (I might make a post about this strategy in the near future if I feel the urge), and I was using the PR leverage that some of my older 3rd tier blogs (Adsense and non-Adsense) had by placing backlinks on those... I was posting YouTube videos with the link on the side... For those of you who are familiar with the "Bike Shed" as mentioned by Grizzly, I was utilizing a resource in there...

Edit to add: I recently made a make money at home with backlinks post on my Make Money at Home blog and it includes ".edu" backlinks and a couple other unconventional ideas.

The snowball got big enough eventually and you know the rest! Like I have been saying, this is hard work and it takes time, but it only works if you stick with it! This is how to make money with Adsense! It may be simple and replicable, but it's not easy. The answer to the question: how much money can you make with adsense depends on how much work and persistence you put into it.

By the way, that's my son Alex in the picture. I was getting tired of putting "Adsense" pictures up, haha! We visited Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison, Colorado last weekend and he was doing a bit of rock climbing! :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Boring Adsense Blogs

The best Adsense tips to keep in mind, especially when starting out as an Adsense newbie, are the following:

Adsense blogs Tip 1. Keep it simple, keep it boring. The very basic Blogspot templates are all it takes to set-up an Adsense blog properly.

Why? For a couple reasons...

First of all, we don't want to attract readers - we want to attract clickers via the search engines. When the template is basic and ugly, the Adsense ads will stand out more without us literally mentioning them in our blog posts. Our blog posts are for keywords so the bot knows what our blogs are about.

Second, we want to make the Google bot's job easier by being able to scan our content in a snap. This gets us ranked for keywords sooner and better.

Adsense blogs Tip 2. Don't put Adsense on blogs that have a loyal readership and/or attractive templates or Wordpress layouts. These readers won't click on your ads, and when the blue moon comes out and someone finally does, you will get Smart Priced. More on smart pricing in a future post.
Monday, August 10, 2009

Adsense Tips and Tricks

Adsense tips and tricks, Adsense tips, adsense tricks,  make money with AdsenseWhen it comes to Adsense, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I'd like to share a few of these with you:

"Adsense Tips and Tricks":

Problem 1. I'm not getting any clicks!!!

A lot of times, Adsense can be a "hit or miss" situation. Sometimes it can be very successful for you, and sometimes, well... it doesn't quite pan out.

Why is this? It could be luck (or lack of) - or the topic you chose. It's not always your fault, but sometimes you can do things to correct it. Here are some adsense tips and tricks I have to remedy this:

Adsense tips and tricks #1. Try a different monetization method other than Adsense. Affiliate programs perhaps? Adsense is one path, but keep in mind that there are many others!

Adsense tips and tricks #2. Also, you could seek out different keywords that might attract more "search engine answer seekers" who have a higher chance of being interested in your ads. You don't want "browsers" or "readers" or "lurkers" or "squatters"... You want "seekers" who are desperately looking for the answer to some burning question they have. These people are usually more click-happy.

Adsense tips and tricks #3. Another possibility could be that you should abandon that particular topic altogether or turn it into something similar that might work out better for you. Sometimes you miss the "wave" with a topic (Susan Boyle, for example) and if you don't get the blog up fast enough, it's not going to work. My best Adsense tips and tricks for you here is to start out with topics that are less "trendy" and try niches that tend to stick around or hold interest longer. Hobbbies maybe? Or how-to topics? Specific health issues? Whatever.... you name it, you can make a blog for it! And I guarantee there are people searching for it!

Adsense tips and tricks #4. Is your topic too general? Turn it into a 2nd tier link source and make a blog (or several) that branch from the original/general topic. You know... the type of blogs that are so specific, you can't mistake what they are about! Also, this usually makes it easier to get on the first page of google, depending on what the topic is. I find that you get more clicks when the topic of your blog or site is highly specific and if it's optimized where your search engine traffic is coming from people who are specifically looking for that particular thing - not something similar or something remotely related.

Want to know about Problem 2? That will be my next Adsense tips and tricks post. Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Make Money with Adsense (by Keeping Your Account in Good Standing)

Even though you can make money with Adsense and it is a great way to do so, I have a love/hate relationship with Google Adsense. It's extremely ironic that I found out yesterday my Adsense account has been disabled when I am writing a blog about making money with Adsense. But, you know... I'm here to admit my mistakes along the way with the best of us. I'm not going to get into the reasons why it got disabled because I'm not entirely sure why. It could be a multitude of things.

This sucks! However, I won't let it get me down. I will file an appeal and see how it goes. If that doesn't work, I'll try to use a family member's street address to get a new account. I'll keep you posted on how easy it is to reinstate an Adsense account.

Making Money with Adsense the Right Way

Let me share with you a few tips on how to make money with Adsense so that your Adsense account doesn't get cancelled, too. The point here is to make money with Adsense, not get your account disabled like I did.... LOL

1.) Make sure to cover your tracks very well. Making money with Adsense is no easy task once your strategies become more sophisticated, so be careful! If you have farms directly linked to your Adsense sites, that's bad news. Make sure your farms are linked to 2nd tier sites that, in turn, link to your Adsense sites. Also, make sure to have a healthy mix of low quality links coming from places such as other peoples' blogs (in the form of a comment), forum signatures, Blog catalog, and so on. You don't need too many of these time wasting social-related links, but they do look convincing to Google.

2.) DO NOT let people you know click on ads for you. Let me repeat myself: DO NOT ALLOW PEOPLE YOU KNOW OR ARE ASSOCIATED WITH CLICK ON YOUR ADSENSE ADS! Sharpen up your SEO skills instead. To make money with Adsense, you need SEO skills.

3.) Don't put Adsense up on the blog or site right away. Get the content posted and indexed. Wait a bit and monitor when you start getting some search engine visitors for your target keywords. Then put the Adsesne on it. Don't be in too much of a hurry to make money with Adsense or you won't make any money at all.

how to make money with Adsense, make money with adsense, make money online, making money online, make money with affiliate programs, google sandbox4.) If you notice one of your blogs got placed in the dreaded "Google sandbox" (Grizzly explains the term or you can Google it), take the Adsense off right away. Monitor your blogs carefully (especially at first when you don't really know what you're doing or when the blog is in its early stages) and keep all your information organized in a spreadsheet. If the blog becomes a giant money maker for you (these gold mines do exist) then you need to be extra careful, in my opinion.

5.) Don't start blogs with questionable content (erotic related and so on....) because Google looks down upon those. These types of blogs could potentially get tons of traffic, but it won't do you a bit of good in terms of making money with Adsense if you get sandboxed or flagged... or your Adsense account gets cancelled.

6.) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Make money online other ways besides with Adsense. With the possibility that your Adsense account is constantly at the mercy of Google, you need to make sure you're pulling in funds other ways. Keep in mind, none of the other strategies change: SEO, backlinks, etc. All of that stuff is the same. The only difference is you don't put Adsense on the site - you put an affiliate link or whatever. Try Clickbank affiliate programs, the Amazon affiliate program, the eBay affiliate program (that one is a pain in the.... @** to join), and other affiliate programs or opportunities that you come across. Keep your eyes open for other sources of income. Making money with Adsense is not the only way to make money.

My belief is, the more you know how to make money with Adsense, the more you are under the microscope with the big G. Don't give them a reason to bust you. You can make money with Adsense, but be smart about it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

How to Make Money with Adsense

how to make money with Adsense, make money with adsense, adsense techniques, adsense tricks, making money with adsense, make money online, making money onlinePractically everyone out there knows about Google's make money with Adsense program. It's free for you to put up on your website or blog... and all that good stuff. But does it work? Can you really learn how to make money with Adsense? Answering that question will be what this Adsense techniques blog is all about. I know there are a lot of Adsense skeptics out there, and rightfully so, given all of the online scams that exist nowadays. You are probably asking yourself right now, who is she to give Adsense advice? And is she making money with Adsense? I'll answer that question for you too. Keep reading.

What do I know about making money with Adsense?

I learned from the best - Grizzly, at his make money online blog. If you haven't read this blog, you need to, in order to understand why it is possible and absolutely legit to make money with Adsense. Griz explains it all from top to bottom without leaving any detail untold. You just need some patience to read through all the make money online blog posts and to navigate around to make sure you read everything since it is structured for making money with Adsense and not for its aesthetic beauty. Oh- and all the info on his blog is free!

A Side Note about SEO and other terms: I will use jargon and terms on here that may not be familiar to non-Grizzly readers. That's why you need to familiarize yourself with his teachings before joining me here at this make money online with Adsense blog. From here on out I will talk as though you have a tight grasp on the terminology used for SEO and by Griz. OK so... moving on.....

Am I making money with Adsense?

Yes, but not as much as I'd like to. I'll be honest. Thus far, I have made about $100 in about 6 months of working on it off and on. Sometimes life gets in the way of making money online as I'm sure most of you know already. I have a 6 year old and he keeps me very busy. :)

About this "make money with Adsense" blog

My goal is to help you create a full time income with Adsense; I do plan to keep you updated on my Adsense income. ;) That's part of the reason I created this make money online blog. The other reason is that I want to supplement some of the things Grizzly teaches with my own commentary, just in case it's helpful to someone. Knowing how to make money with Adsense can be difficult for beginners, and I hope to offer up the Adsense and SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge I do have.

Why do I want to help you make money with Adsense? Isn't that competition for me?

No, not really. I want to help you because, in the longrun, it helps me as well. There are literally millions of niche topics we can make blogs on and we can all gain healthily from sending one-way properly anchored backlinks amongst ourselves. It's a win-win situation here and I will never sell you useless crap. I sell all the useless crap on my other niche blogs. No need for that here at this make money with Adsense blog. This is an informative blog only.

One last thing...

This Adsense information blog will most likely branch out into other make money online blogs as I think of appropriate topics and keyword relationships. I know this particular blog will not rank for the term "how to make money with Adsense" or for "make money with Adsense" or even "make money online" for a long, long time unless someone in a position to help me...well...helps me. I'm not expecting that, so honestly, my initial plan for this make money with Adsense blog is to create a link source for my other MMO related blogs. If it goes farther than that purpose, then great. If not, oh well. At the very least, maybe some of you will learn how to make money with Adsense by reading my posts. See you next time...
